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Gutes Zitat Nr. 31 / Brilliant Quote No. 31: Christianity

Christianity„Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.“

Daniel Thambyrajah Niles (4 May 1908 – 17 July 1970), Ceylonese Methodist Pastor

English Ressources Gute Zitate Leitung

Gutes Zitat Nr. 30 / Brilliant Quote No. 30: Versöhnung

IMG_1265_klein„Wenn sie den Dienst der Versöhnung tun, arbeiten Führungskräfte mit Jesus zusammen. Jede Versöhnung ist in seinem Interesse.“

„If leaders do the ministry of reconciliation they work together with Jesus. Each reconciliation is in his interest.“

aus: Stockmayer, Johannes, Selig sind die Friedensstifter – Konflikttraining für christliche Führungskräfte, Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft, Bonn 2004, Seite 74

English Ressources Leitung

If Jesus were your mentor …

IMG_2002_kleinI found a great article on an American website. The article is in English. Enjoy it. It’s about Jesus and mentoring: http://www.lifeway.com/churchleaders/2016/01/07/pastor-if-jesus-were-your-mentor/

Ich habe folgenden Artikel im Netz gefunden. Er stammt von Rick Howerton, einem amerikanischen Pastor. Der Artikel ist kompakt, kurz und gut und rüttelt mich auf. Was würde Jesus mir in einem Mentoring-Gespräch sagen? Vom Inhalt her geht es nach meiner Definition eher um ein Coachinggespräch über die pastorale Tätigkeit, wenn man wie ich unter Coaching das fachspezifische Gespräch sieht. Aber das ist ja nur eine Frage der Begriflichkeit.

Die Annahme, dass Jesus mit mir ein Mentoringgespräch führt, führt zu kreativen Gedanken. Und die Fragen und Ratschläge, die er laut Howerton geben würde, führen ebenfalls auf die richtige Spur.

Hier ist der Artikel: http://www.lifeway.com/churchleaders/2016/01/07/pastor-if-jesus-were-your-mentor/

Alles Andere English Ressources

Merry Christmas & Christmas Greetings

Claesberg-FamilyDear English-speaking friends and readers,

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We hope that you, your families and your churches are all right. Our family is doing well, and we are in a good condition. Okay – we are getting a little bit older.

The Situation in Germany is very exciting. Many migrants come and come in our country. Over 1,000,000 million people this year. The Germans discuss the problem how to deal with this situation in different ways. Some churches want to share the gospel with the people from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. So do mine. I think this is a big chance. As a Church, we started some Christian gospel courses, even in Farsi.

Our church is going to hold an international service on Christmas Eve. This will be our message:

Christmas peace?!
We long for peace. We’re living in uncertain times, and people from areas stricken with war are fleeing to Germany, in hope of a better life. Threats and fear of terror have spread even to the heart of Europe. And now Christmas is coming. A peaceful holiday? That depends on where you live and how well your family gets along with each other. But in any case, a celebration of peace.

Really? Yes. That’s what we believe. That’s the hope that Christians have. Similarly, Jesus Christ was announced hundreds of years before his birth. A prophet wrote, „For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end.“ (The Holy Bible, Isaiah 9,6-7).

But we also believe that this Prince of Peace must first bring peace to our lives. He is the one who promises us, „My peace I give to you!“ On Christmas Eve in Wiedenest, that is what we want to meditate on. You are welcome to join us!

Christmas Eve services at EFG Wiedenest for the whole family
3:30 p.m. (German) & 5:30 p.m. (International service in German and English)

Following the 5:30 p.m. service, an international Christmas Celebration will take place at 7:00 p.m. Register at: [email protected].

So if you are in Germany, near Cologne, come and join us;-)

You will understand everything. And you will get the feeling of German Christmas.

God bless you! Veit

His kingdom come…

English Ressources Illustrationen Kirche/Gemeinde Verkündigung/Predigt

Inspiration for Christmas Eve Services

The Müllers Bristol offers an overview of good short clips about Christmas: http://www.mullers.org/christmasvideos

This one is my favourite:


But for the service I’m going to use this one: